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IB internal Assessment 辅导写作课程

Curriculum Objectives


  1.External Assessment:两学年结束后进行的最终IB考试(大概是总IB分数的70%)

  2.Internal Assessment:以班级为单位进行的内部考试 (大概是总IB分数的30%)


  oral work in languages

  fieldwork in geography

  laboratory work in the sciences

  investigations in mathematics

  artistic performances.

IB课程 占比与要求 评分标准
数学Maths IA在数学科目中的占比是20%,需要学生在自己感兴趣的数学领域完成6-12页的书面研究。同学们也可以利用科技辅助自己去完成研究。 沟通、数学学术表达、个人参与、反思、数学运用。
物理Physics IA在物理中的占比是20%,需要同学们自己设计实验并撰写实验报告,阐述研究的问题、变量、步骤、评估实验的优缺点等。 个人参与、探索、分析、评估、表达
经济Economics IA在经济中的占比为20%,学生需要在两年的学习时间中逐步完成,文章需要涵盖Microeconomics、Macroeconomics、International Trade、Development中三个主题 图表、学术用语、知识应用、分析和评估。
历史History  IA在历史SL中占比25%,在HL中占比20%,同学们可根据自己的喜好规定研究主题,但不超过2200字。 资料收集、资料评估、研究调查、反思
地理Geography IA在地理中SL中占比25%,在HL中占比20%。地理学科的IA要求是写一份2500字的实地研究报告。同学们需要提出研究问题并实地考察,收集数据和资料。 段落设置、数据处理、分析、结论、评估。
心理学Psychology IA在心理学SL中占比25%,HL中占比20%。心理学IA的要求是一份1800-2200字的实验报告。同学们以小组为单位,复制一个心理学实验,并独立写下实验过程和数据分析结果。 开头介绍、实验结构说明、分析、评估。
语言A Individual Oral Commentary(IOC)口头文学分析占15%,文章内容由老师任意挑选。学生需要在20分钟内熟悉文章并准备10分钟的分析内容。HL学生需要额外完成10分钟关于另一篇作品的问题回答(discussion)。 有对文章的理解、对作者文笔的赏析、展示与组织、语言、对discussion作品的理解(HL)、回答的质量(HL)
Written Assessment(WA)占比25%,是一份1200-1500字的文学分析和学生在课堂讨论后撰写300-400的反思文章。文章内容通常分析作品和其社会和历史背景的关联 反思文章质量、知识与理解、作者文笔赏析、结构发展、语言。
语言B Individual Oral口语占比20%,同学们需要根据两张以前从未见过的图片,选择一张并在15分钟的准备后结合文化用该语言陈述3-4分钟。最后由老师提出问题,进行5-6分钟的讨论。 口语运用、理解能力。
Interactive Oral Activity口语互动活动占比10%,学生需在在课堂内进行口语和听力的考核,例如班级辩论和小组讨论等。 口语运用、理解能力。


Course Description

课程编号 内容 课程目的 输出结果 完成主体
IBIA01 Topic selection. Providing step-by-step guide for  Topic selection, general rules and  Writing standards,与学员进行第1次的选题,介绍所有题目的详细背景,了解学员的情况,介绍IA基本规则 为下一步课程做前期准备 学生与导师共同完成
IBIA02 Conventional discussion introduce students to the concept of IA writing Skills and explore which aspect shall be considered and what kind of background information shall be collected. 介绍IA写作章法, 并与学生共同制定写作方向以及内容, 介绍该方向的背景资料。 形成初步稿件 学生与导师
IBIA03 Mind Map
explore the concept of mind Map. begin to understand and draw the mind map for the IA 了解思维导图并为所选择的题目进行思维导图的构建,为IA 做写作大纲的制定 写作大纲制定 学生与导师
IBIA04 Investigation Begin to investigating the problem in Math and help student to answer the question through the IA writing, 解决数学问题并进行答疑解难 写作部分
  Experiments. Began to form the experiments for the scientific subjects and analyze the results output.  帮助学员进行实验,准备并记录实验结果, 写作部分
  Logical forming of articles Help student to form the logical of the IA articles. And subject like history, geology or. Economic 针对历史经济以及地理等科目进行IA逻辑写作的指导 综合练习
problem Solving
IBIA05 Finalizing Finalizing the last version of IA with grammatical correction 考纲要求规范文体,语法纠错 最终定稿 导师完成


Additional Courses

  针对某些学生自己能力无法完成IA写作, 可以由课程老师主要代笔,提供基础定稿,精修定稿和最终定稿的辅助书写。 这部分费用将按照不同的专业方向由专业老师进行辅助书写,另行收费。



课程编号 课程内容 用时
IBIA01 Topic selection 1小时(1节课)
IBIA02 Conventional discussion 1小时 (1节课)
IBIA03 Mind Map 2小时 (1节课)
IBIA04 Investigating /  experiment / forming 2小时 (1节课)
IBIA05 Finalizing 2小时 (1节课)
课程编号 课程内容 用时
IBIAEN01 附加代写课程  

  * 其中如果学生已经定题目,则可以从02-05开始辅导, 如果学院已经完成初稿则可以从05 finalizing 开始辅导。

  * 如需代写服务则需要学员提供所有学校IA要求。


Curriculum Objectives

  The TOK course is assessed through an oral presentation and a 1,600 word essay.

  The presentation assesses the ability of the student to apply TOK thinking to a real-life situation, while the essay takes a more conceptual starting point.

等级 评分标准
Grade A Knowledge questions are thoroughly explored and clearly related to examples/real-life situations. Effective links are made to areas of knowledge and/or ways of knowing. Analysis is coherent, and well developed. The discussion includes consideration of implications, assumptions, counterclaims and different perspectives.
Grade B Knowledge questions are explored and related to examples/real-life situations. Links are made to areas of knowledge and/or ways of knowing. Analysis is developed. The discussion identifies some implications and/  or assumptions, and includes some consideration of counterclaims and/or different perspectives.
Grade C Knowledge questions are considered and related to examples/real-life situations, although these may not always be appropriate. Some links are made to areas of knowledge and/or ways of knowing. Analysis is developed to a limited extent. The discussion is more descriptive than analytical, and counterclaims and different perspectives are identified but not explored
Grade D There is little consideration of knowledge questions related to examples/real-life situations. Superficial links are made to areas of knowledge and/or ways of knowing. Analysis is not offered, or lacks coherence.  The discussion is simplistic and mainly descriptive. There is minimal reference to counterclaims or different perspectives.
Grade E There is no consideration of knowledge questions. Few, if any,  references are made to areas of knowledge    or ways of knowing. The discussion is simplistic and descriptive. Counterclaims or different perspectives are not identified


Course Description

课程编号 内容 课程目的 输出结果 完成主体
IBTOK01 Topic selection. Providing step-by-step guide for  Topic selection, general rules and  Writing standards,与学员进行第1次的选题,介绍所有题目的详细背景,了解学员的情况,介绍tok基本规则 为下一步课程做前期准备 学生与导师共同完成
IBTOK02 Conventional discussion introduce students to the concept of TOK essay Skills and explore which aspect shall be considered and what kind of background information shall be collected. 介绍TOK写作章法, 并与学生共同制定写作方向以及内容, 介绍该方向的背景资料。掌握AOK以及WOK方法 形成初步稿件 学生与导师
IBTOK03 Mind Map explore the concept of mind Map. begin to understand and draw the mind map for the TOK 了解思维导图并为所选择的题目进行思维导图的构建,为TOK 做写作大纲的制定 写作大纲制定 学生与导师
IBTOK04 Essay guide Help student to form the TOK essay with logical diversity into following parts : introduction, knowledge claim, Argument (AOK 1), Counter Argument (AOK2), counter-counter Argument (AOK3), repeat AOK 1-3, Assumption and implicatio, conclusion 从上述10个方向来定稿并进行写作指导 写作部分
IBTOK05 PPT guide. Began to form the PPT output.  帮助学员完成PPT的规划 写作部分
IBTOK06 Proof Read Finalizing the last version of TOK with grammatical correction 考纲要求规范文体,语法纠错 最终定稿 导师完成


Additional Courses

  针对某些学生自己能力无法完成TOK写作, 可以由课程老师主要代笔,提供基础定稿,精修定稿和最终定稿的辅助书写。 这部分费用将按照不同的专业方向由专业老师进行辅助书写,另行收费。



课程编号 课程内容 用时
IBTOK01 Topic selection. 1小时(1节课)
IBTOK02 Conventional discussion 1小时 (1节课)
IBTOK03 Mind Map 2小时 (1节课)
IBTOK04 Essay guide 2小时 (1节课)
IBTOK05 PPT guide. 2小时 (1节课)
IBTOK06 Proof Read 2小时 (1节课)
课程编号 课程内容 用时
IBTOKEN01 附加代写课程  

  * 其中如果学生已经定题目,则可以从02-06开始辅导, 如果学院已经完成初稿则可以从06 Proof Read 开始辅导。

  * 如需代写服务则需要学员提供所有学校TOK要求。


Curriculum Objectives

  It is an independent piece of research, culminating with a 4,000-word paper.

等级 评分标准
Grade A Demonstrates: effective research skills resulting in a well-focused and appropriate research question that can be explored within the scope of the chosen topic; effective engagement with relevant research areas, methods and sources; excellent knowledge and understanding of  the topic in  the wider context   of the relevant discipline; the effective application of source material and correct use of subject-specific terminology and/or concepts further supporting this; consistent and relevant conclusions that are proficiently analysed; sustained reasoned argumentation supported effectively by evidence; critically evaluated research; excellent presentation of the essay, whereby coherence and consistency further support the reading of the essay; present and correctly applied structural and layout elements. Engagement with the process is conceptual and personal, key decision-making during the research process    is documented, and personal reflections are evidenced, including those that are forward-thinking.
Grade B Demonstrates: appropriate research skills resulting in a research question that can be explored within the scope of the chosen topic; reasonably effective engagement with relevant research areas, methods and sources; good knowledge and understanding of the topic in the wider context of the relevant discipline; a reasonably effective application of source material and use of subject-specific terminology and/or concepts; consistent conclusions that are accurately analysed; reasoned argumentation often supported by evidence; research that at times evidences critical evaluation; a clear presentation of all structural and layout elements, which further supports the reading of the essay.
Engagement with the process is generally evidenced by the reflections and key decision-making during the research process is documented.
Grade C Demonstrates: evidence of research undertaken, which has led to a research question that is not necessarily expressed in a way that can be explored within the scope of the chosen topic; partially effective engagement with mostly appropriate research areas, methods and sources—however, there are some discrepancies in those processes, although these do not interfere with the planning and approach; some knowledge and understanding of the topic in the wider context of the discipline, which is mostly relevant; the attempted application of source material and appropriate terminology and/or concepts; an attempted synthesis of research results with partially relevant analysis; conclusions partly supported by the evidence; discussion  that is descriptive rather than analytical; attempted evaluation; satisfactory presentation of the essay, with weaknesses that do not hinder the reading of the essay; some structural and layout elements that are missing or are incorrectly applied.
Engagement with the process is evidenced but shows mostly factual information, with personal reflection mostly limited to procedural issues.
Grade D Demonstrates: a lack of research, resulting in unsatisfactory focus and a research question that is not answerable within the scope of the chosen topic; “at times engagement with appropriate research, methods and sources, but discrepancies in those processes that occasionally interfere with the planning and approach; some relevant knowledge and understanding of the topic in the wider context of the discipline, which are at times irrelevant; an attempted application of source material, but with inaccuracies in the use  of, or underuse of, terminology and/or concepts; irrelevant analysis and inconsistent conclusions as a result  of a descriptive discussion; a lack of evaluation; presentation of the essay that at times is illogical and hinders the reading; structural and layout elements that are missing.
Engagement with the process is evidenced but is superficial, with personal reflections that are solely narrative and concerned with procedural elements
Grade E Demonstrates: an unclear nature of the essay; a generally unsystematic approach and resulting unfocused research question; limited engagement with limited research and sources; generally limited and only partially accurate knowledge and understanding of the topic in the wider context of the relevant discipline; ineffective connections in the application of source material and inaccuracies in the terminology and/or concepts used; a summarizing of results of research with inconsistent analysis; an attempted outline of an argument, but one that is generally descriptive in nature; a layout that generally lacks or incorrectly applies several layout and structural elements.
Engagement with the process is limited, with limited factual or decision-making information and no personal reflection on the process.


Course Description

课程编号 内容 课程目的 输出结果 完成主体
IBEE01 Topic selection. Providing step-by-step guide for  Topic selection, general rules and  Writing standards,与学员进行第1次的选题,介绍所有题目的详细背景,了解学员的情况,介绍EE基本规则 为下一步课程做前期准备 学生与导师共同完成
IBEE02 Conventional discussion introduce students to the concept of TOK essay Skills and explore which aspect shall be considered and what kind of background information shall be collected. 介绍EE写作章法, 并与学生共同制定写作方向以及内容, 介绍该方向的背景资料。 形成初步稿件 学生与导师
IBEE03 Mind Map
explore the concept of mind Map. begin to understand and draw the mind map for the EE了解思维导图并为所选择的题目进行思维导图的构建,为EE做写作大纲的制定 写作大纲制定 学生与导师
IBEE04 Essay guide Help student to form the EE essay with logical diversity  帮助学生进行改稿与逻辑写作的辅导 写作部分
IBEE05 Proof Read Finalizing the last version of EE with grammatical correction 考纲要求规范文体,语法纠错 最终定稿 导师完成


Additional Courses

  针对某些学生自己能力无法完成EE写作, 可以由课程老师主要代笔,提供基础定稿,精修定稿和最终定稿的辅助书写。 这部分费用将按照不同的专业方向由专业老师进行辅助书写,另行收费。



课程编号 课程内容 用时
IBEE01 Topic selection. 1小时(1节课)
IBEE02 Conventional discussion 1小时 (1节课)
IBEE03 Mind Map 2小时 (1节课)
IBEE04 Essay guide 2小时 (1节课)
IBEE05 Proof Read 3小时 (2节课)
课程编号 课程内容 用时
IBEEEN01 附加代写课程  

  * 其中如果学生已经定题目,则可以从02-05开始辅导, 如果学院已经完成初稿则可以从05 Proof Read 开始辅导。

  * 如需代写服务则需要学员提供所有学校EE要求。


Process of Courses


  学生能够清晰的明确IA/TOK/EE的课程方向, 告知辅导老师学校写作要求



Necessary document

文件编号 名称 要求
IBDOC03 通讯方式 需要学员提供邮件地址,便于通讯


Teachers Profile

课程编号 老师 教学和辅导任务
  顾问老师 前期顾问老师负责与学生沟通, 顾问老师将由我们顾问团队中辅导TOK EE或IA的超四年工作经验的顾问老师担任。
IBTOK01-06 IBEE01-05 IBIA01-05 课程导师 辅导老师全部有IB辅导背景,并在该辅导中不低于4年工作经验的教师担任。 负责学生整体的课程培训,进行讲解和专项练习的提高。 

  A加未来辅导IB TOK / EE/ IA在学校中达到较高的水平, 其中TOK/EE AA组合率打到了40%。A加未来顾问团队成员与课程导师对近期IBO对于上述课程论文的考纲,测评重点与课程进行分享,并对总报告进行指导:

  Luis Halmer, IBO 课程指导教练

  Shouhua Li, IB 学校项目组组长






  1. 本课程不能选择同一时间段的两门或以上课程,否则会导致上课时间冲突而选课失败。

  2. 本课程设有参与人数的下限、上限。课程选修人数达到上限后,该门课程选则无法选择,参与人数未达到人数下限,则不能开课。A加未来享有对此类课程开设与否的最终解释权。

  3. 课程设置、教务管理、成绩评定、成绩单等由A加教务会进行监督。教学质量评估委员会由执行校长、教学总监、授课讲师组成,保障教学环节的科学性及严谨性。

  4. 学生必须签署A加未来培训合同,并遵守培训合同中所列事项


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