AEAS口语考试Section 2 : Monologue 独白

知识点       时间:2022-05-13 12:16











Read the card and think about what to say.

After 2 minutes the examiner will ask you to start your talk.

When you finish speaking, you will be asked some follow-up questions.




Possible questions to follow the topic above are:




Would you recommend visitors to your country to attend this festival ? why/ why not?

Which are the best kinds of festivals/special occasions? (eg, family/ local ones or national celebrations). why ?

What other interesting festivals have you heard about in other countries or different parts of your own country?

Some people say that tourists should not be allowed to go to the special festivals of a country. Do you agree with this? Why/ why not ?

Why are festivals important? What role do they play in the culture of a country/an area?









What are the people doing in these pictures?

Do you think they are having fun?

Which one would you like to do ? Why?


在part 2 的问题之外,都会额外问些相关的延申问题:



HOW often do you read?

What do you read for fun? Tell me about it.

Do you like comics/magazines?Tell me about it.

What is your favourite book?



Do you play a musical instrument?what?

Why did you choose this instrument?

Would you like to play a musical instrument?

Why?why not?


第二部分AEAS口语考试,考官考察学生的个人陈述能力,包含语法,语音,衔接,词汇词组能力的综合考察。语法方面, 学生要尽量做到基本语法不出错,高级语法要自然使用可以得高分。


     比如,To begin with ,furthermore , what’s more, then , finally , the first reason is that, apart from the first reason , the second reason is that.等等。有了这些衔接词汇,我们的答案更加有条理性。最后,词汇词组方面,最好能替换使用,不要一直用一个单词。

     比如 ,想要表达喜欢, 避免从头到尾只使用like, 可以用,passionate about, be keen on , be into , enjoy , favorite等来替换。更多的口语考试技能,和拓展思路的方式,我们在课堂中会详细讲解。



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