

斯坦福大学化学工程博士和硕士(计算流体力学); 加州大学戴维斯分校-化学工程理学学士,辅修数学; 加州大学戴维斯分校:化学工程系 本科生导师; 劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室(LLNL)暑期实习生


  I have been successfully tutoring students from a very young age.My first experience as an educator was as a teacher’s assistant in advanced placement chemistry in high school and since then I have expanded my skills as an educator and a counselor.While pursuing a degree at UC Davis in Chemical Engineering I served as a professional tutor for the Chemical Engineering department.My task for the university was to improve student outcomes in challenging upper division chemical engineering classes including Chemical Kinetics,Mass and Heat Transport,Fluid Dynamics,and Mathematics for Chemical Engineers.I both hosted weekly lecture and problem-solving sessions for groups of students and conducted one-on-one sessions for struggling students.At Stanford University while pursuing my Ph.D.,I served as a teacher’s assistant for the department’s Introduction to Chemical Engineering course.At Stanford I hosted office hours twice weekly and lead problem-solving sessions for motivated students.Additionally,I helped generate and evaluate tests and presentations for the course.
  As a student,I have a long track record of success across all levels of education.I was Salutatorian at Granada High School(2010)and was awarded a Regents Scholarship at UC Davis in additional to a number of private scholarships including the Pedrozzi Scholarship(a merit-based scholarship from my hometown for outstanding academic performance).At UC Davis I received the Ghausi Medal for being the highestranking member of the graduating class of 2014 in the School of Engineering(4.0 GPA in Chemical Engineering).While applying to graduate schools I was admitted to several prestigious US universities including Princeton,MIT,UC Berkeley,UC Santa Cruz,and Stanford.I ultimately attended Stanford University where I was awarded an NSF Fellowship and graduated with my Ph.D.and master’s degree in 2019.
  I have the passion and the skills to deliver several services.I can provide tutoring in advanced subject materials specifically related to mathematics,computer programming,and chemistry.I also can serve to guide students in the admissions process given my experience as a successful applicant for both
  undergraduate and graduate schools.I also can serve to assistant students in planning extracurricular activities to bolster college applications.I participated in a number of activities in high school including Science Bowl(a science-based quiz competition),Boy Scouts of America(Eagle scout),and Varsity swimming.In summary,I have both the track record as a tutor as well as the relevant educational experience to assist students broadly in preparing for technical fields like engineering at US universities.




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