

国立台湾大学; 牛津大学全球治理与外交专业 硕士; 牛津大学当代中国研究 硕士; 耶鲁大学全球事务 学士; 哈佛大学-中国语言研究 哈佛北京学院; 牛津圣凯瑟琳学院,船员团队 上尉; 美国商会中国办公室 研究助理; 耶鲁大学全球青年学者 首席教官

  My name is Alex Herkert,and I graduated from Yale University with a degree in Global Affairs,cum laude,in 2017,and later from the University of Oxford with a graduate degree in Global Governance and Diplomacy in 2019.I am currently studying Mandarin in Taipei for the year,with the intent of returning to law school in the United States next year.I am very interested in international relations,politics,economics,and history,although I have also taken many courses in statistics and research methods.I have also taken Chinese classes for over 4 years,and hope to focus in the future on the trade relationship between the United States and China.
  I have had a lot of experience working with high school students and admissions in the past.During my years at Yale I worked as an admissions tour guide at the admissions office,and saw first hand the inner workings of the process.Additionally,I have taught for two summers as a lead instructor at Yale Young Global Scholars,a program through which I taught political science and economics to high schoolers.After the program I wrote many letters of recommendation,and a number of my former students are now at top colleges in the U.S.I also have a thorough understanding of the Oxford undergraduate and graduate application processes,which are very different from those in the United States.
  I really enjoy working with high school students to figure out the complicated college admissions process.I am also available for tutoring in academic subject areas that align with what I have studied in the past.



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