
知识点       时间:2021-10-29 10:36



  psychological cost 心理成本

  psychological pricing 心理定价法

  public organization 公共组织

  public relations 公共关系

  public utilities 公共设施

  publicity 公共宣传

  pull strategy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的拉式战略

  pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张

  purchase predisposition 购买倾向

  purchasing agent 采购代理

  purchasing contract 采购合同

  purchasing manager/agent 采购经理/代

  purchasing power perity (PPP) 购买力平价指数

  push money/spiffs 佣金

  push stragtegy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略


  qualifying prospects 审查潜在顾客资格

  quality dimensions 质量维度

  quality 质量

  quantity discount 数量折扣

  question marks 问题类

  questioning 询问法

  quotas 定额


  R & D expenditure 研究开发战略

  race and ethnic origin 种族和民族

  rack jobbers 供应超级市场的批发商

  radio 无线电广播

  rank ordering 排序

  rate of adoption 采购率

  rate-of-return/target return pricing 回报率/目标回报定价法

  rational appeals 理性诉求

  rationale 基本原理

  raw materials 原材料

  reactive and proactive responses 反应及前摄策略

  reactive new-product development strategy

  reactor strategy 反应型战略

  real estate 房地产

  rebates 回扣

  recall tests 记忆测试

  receiver 接收者

  reciprocity 利益互惠

  recognition of problem/need 发现问题/需求

  recognition tests 认知测试

  recreation 娱乐业

  recruitment and selection 招聘与选拔recycling of packaging 包装回收(利用)

  reference group 参照群体




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