而对于在国外学习和生活的漂儿们,又经历了一年的变化,对于所在的国家应该是更了解了一些,那你对于国外的那些假客套,习惯了吗?今就在这,聊聊那些国外的几种假客套(Fake politeness)
其实任何国家都有直癌患者,这里的直也就是咱们经常说的直男,直女,说话非常直接,不拐弯抹角,直癌(speak one's mind),通常这类人都很诚实,实在,但是说出的话由于过于直接,难免比较令人不悦,这时候,对于老外来说,我们来看看是如何委婉的掩饰自己的不满和不高兴
A:Merry Christmas!Here is a hat for you,em,like a mushroom,right?
B:Oh, yeah. Yes. It's just what I wanted. How did you know...
A:Wow,have a try, it must suit you.
B: Emmm...I'll keep it in the wrapping for an important occasion. Thanks.
其实无论对于生活在哪里的人,都会遇到收到不称心的礼物,而对于英国人,一般会说:“Aww, it's what I've always wanted ! ”或者浮夸的大叫:“Oh, how did you know ? how did you know? How did you know I want this? ”
A:Hey bro, do you have ten grands,
B: Ah....I would if I could but I've just paid the rent
I would if I could but I haven't been paid this month.
I would if I could but I've just used all my money and bought a ticket home.
我们可以发现一个共同点,所有的理由一开始都表达很乐意(I would if I could...),但是人家心里想的是:不,我才不借。
A:Dude I fail my maths test.
B: Don't worry mate, better luck next time !
A: I drop the course
B: Don't worry mate, better luck next time !
A: I may drop out of school.
B: Don't worry mate, better luck next time !
1如果你叫你的朋友晚上出去嗨,而他回答说:“I might join you later.”
=I'm definitely not coming./I may not join you.
2如果你去朋友家做客,吃完饭或者参加聚会,然后忽然有人说:”I should start thinking about making a move.“
=I should start thinking about leaving./I'm bored, I want to go home.
3如果主人对客人说:”You should start thinking about making a move.“
=I want you to leave.
了解了这些常见的Fake politeness 表述,希望对于咱们对于英语的学习有更深层的理解,加油吧,屠鸭的勇士们!