Section 1
1.1 Business activity
1.2 Classification of business
1.3 Enterprise,business growth and size
1.4 Types of business organisation
1.5 Business objectives and stakeholder objectives
Section 2
2.4 Internal and external communication
2.3 Recruitment,selection and training of workers
2.2 Organisation and management
2.1 Motivating workers
Section 3
3.4 Marketing strategy
3.3.5 Technology and the marketing mix
3.3.4 Promotion
3.3.3 Place
3.3.2 Price
3.3.1 Product
3.2 Market research
3.1 Marketing,competition and the customer
Section 4
4.2 Costs,scale of production and break-even analysis
4.4 Location decisions
4.3 Achieving quality production
4.1 Production of goods and services
Section 5
5.3 Income statements
5.2 Cash-flow forecasting and working capital
5.1 Business finance:needs and sources