2. What kinds of animals do you like?
3. Why do you like puppies?
Monkeys which are my favorite animals are mammals.
英语 |
音标 |
中文 |
词性 |
monkey |
['mʌŋkɪ] |
猴子 |
n. |
puppy |
['pʌpɪ] |
小狗 |
n. |
kitten |
['kɪt(ə)n] |
小猫 |
n. |
pigeon |
['pɪdʒɪn; 'pɪdʒ(ə)n] |
鸽子 |
n. |
goldfish |
['gəʊl(d)fɪʃ] |
金鱼 |
n. |
mammal |
['mæm(ə)l] |
哺乳动物 |
n. |
birds |
[bɝdz] |
鸟类 |
n. |
fish |
[fɪʃ] |
鱼 |
n. |
1. 我最喜欢的动物小猫是哺乳动物。
Kittens which are my favorite animals are mammals.
2. 我最喜欢的宠物鸽子是鸟类动物。
Pigeons which are my favorite animals are birds.
Monkeys have furry outlook which makes them very lovely.
英语 |
音标 |
中文 |
词性 |
outlook |
['aʊtlʊk] |
外表 |
n. |
furry |
['fɜːrɪ] |
毛茸茸的 |
adj. |
lovely |
[juːθ] |
可爱的 |
adj. |
feather |
['feðə] |
羽毛 |
n. |
scale |
[skeɪl] |
鱼鳞 |
n. |
pretty |
['prɪtɪ] |
漂亮的 |
adj. |
smooth |
[smuːð] |
光滑的 |
adj. |
colorful |
['kʌlɚfəl] |
多彩的 |
adj. |
1. 小狗有毛茸茸的外表看起来非常可爱。
Puppies have furry outlook which makes them very lovely.
2. 小猫有毛茸茸的外表看起来非常可爱。
Kittens have furry outlook which makes them very lovely.
Monkeys can live in a variety of environments, while the most suitable place is the forest.
英语 |
音标 |
中文 |
词性 |
variety |
[və'raɪətɪ] |
多样 |
n. |
environment |
[ɪn'vaɪrənm(ə)nt] |
环境 |
n. |
forest |
['fɒrɪst] |
森林 |
n. |
family |
['fæmɪlɪ] |
家庭 |
n. |
pond |
[pɒnd] |
池塘 |
n. |
1. 小狗可以生活在很多的环境中,但是最适合它们的地方是家庭。
Puppies can live in a variety of environments, while the most suitable place is our families.
2. 鸽子可以生活在很多的环境中,但是最适合它们的地方是森林。
Pigeons can live in a variety of environments, while the most suitable place is the forest.
3. 金鱼可以生活在很多的环境中,但是最适合它们的地方是池塘。
Goldfishes can live in a variety of environments, while the most suitable place is the pond.
Speaking of pigeons, the first image coming to our mind is the representative of peace.
英语 |
音标 |
中文 |
词性 |
image |
['ɪmɪdʒ] |
形象 |
n. / v. |
representative |
[reprɪ'zentətɪv] |
代表 |
n. |
['piːs] |
平和 |
n. |
1. 说到熊猫,大家脑海中的第一个形象就是和平使者
Speaking of pandas, the first image coming our mind is the representative of peace.
I love animals. Puppies which are my favorite pets are mammals. Puppies have furry outlook which makes them very lovely. Lovely puppies can even be a member of our family who can give us much happiness.
中文答案:我喜欢小猫. 小猫有毛茸茸的外表看起来非常可爱。小猫可以陪伴人们,尤其是那些孤独的老人。除了陪伴,小猫还可以捉老鼠。
I love kittens. Kittens have furry outlook which makes them very lovely. Kittens can accompany us, especially those lonely elder people. Besides companion, kittens can also catch mice.
中文答案:说到鸽子,大家脑海中的第一个形象就是和平使者. 鸽子有光滑的羽毛看起来非常漂亮。除了漂亮的外表,鸽子还可以消灭害虫。
Speaking of pigeons, the first image coming to our mind is the representative of peace. Pigeons have smooth feather which makes them very pretty. Besides pretty outlook, pigeons can also eliminate pests.