
知识点       时间:2022-04-20 10:58

  上一次我们为大家介绍了数学语句中表示连接关系的连词。今天A+国际教育小A要说的是:隐含或解释(Implications or Explanations)。因果关系,简单直白点,就是因为……所以……的那些事。说到因为和所以,每个人脑海里一下子闪出来的一定是because和so,非常好!但如果通篇都是because和so,尤其是像数学这种逻辑性超强的学科来说,这两个词会不会累到罢工了呢?来看下面的例子吧:


  1. The gradient of astraight line is positive.


  2. The straight line isincreasing.


  as/because/since (最常见的用法)

  As (Because, Since) the gradient of a straight line is positive, this line isincreasing.

  · due to (比用as更强调)

  The straight line isincreasing due to its positivegradient.


  · in view of/owing to/on account of (比用as更强调)

  In view of (Owing to, On account of) positive gradient of astraight line, it is increasing.

  · given (所述条件不可避免的结果)

  Given positive gradient of a straight line, it is increasing.


  · it follows that (对原因给出比用as更多的强调)

  The gradient of astraight line is positive. It follows that this line is increasing.

  · consequently/therefore/thus (强调性居于as和it follows that之间。Consequently和therefore在句子开头比thus更合适)

  The gradient of astraight line is positive and consequently (therefore, thus) this line is increasing.

  大家是不是很常用because和since呢?这当然没有问题。但当一页纸里有过多的because,便会使文章读起来生硬,所以,我们要学会合理的应用as,due to,it follows that等连接词或短语。

  同样的情况也出现在therefore和hence的运用中。我们也可以使用不同的说法,如consequently和it follows from ... that,以免重复。另外,because后面跟的是从句,若只跟名词或动名词,则用because of。


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